pruning palm trees mallorca

Palm Tree Pruning Service in Mallorca

Palm tree pruning service in Mallorca, professionals in palm tree pruning

Is it necessary to prune palm trees?

Palm trees usually shed their leaves constantly, so the dry ones tend to fall off on their own. However, these often remain anchored to the stem, preventing the new ones from flowering properly. Although this is not usually a problem for the plant, it can look unsightly in any garden, so it is necessary to prune them.

Even though it is not a good sight to have dry palms hanging from the trunk, there are also physical reasons for this. One of these is that they add dead weight to the plant, so pruning them can get rid of this. Another reason is that they can attract insect and rodent pests, so cutting these dry palms will prevent a possible infestation.

When should palm trees be pruned?

Pruning palm trees is often postponed due to a lack of knowledge about when is the best time to do it. To summarise, this procedure should be carried out mainly during the vegetative phase, that is, in the spring, summer and autumn seasons. This is because this is when they usually change their leaves and they hang down, which is the best time to prune them.

On the other hand, it is important to note that palm trees should never be pruned in winter. Mainly because it is during this season that they need these dry leaves to keep warm. Since palm trees are plants from warm climates, this is how they usually protect themselves from the cold.

What equipment is needed to prune palm trees?

Pruning smaller garden palms is usually not difficult with simple tools. But when they start to grow taller, more professional and specialized equipment is needed. Some of the most common and necessary tools for this process are the following:

  • Corvellote: It is a hand-made tool designed especially for pruning palm trees and is usually one of the main tools used to do so. Due to its shape, the base of the leaf can be cut very easily, allowing several of them to be removed in a single pass.
  • Chainsaw: It is a fairly powerful tool that can cut all kinds of material with little effort. It is used to prune trees and of course also palm trees, quickly and accurately. It is usually used to cut the heaviest palms that are stuck to the trunk of the plant.
  • Axe: It is a manual tool that is usually used to cut the leaves and the base of the petiole. It also works to prune the most distant palms thanks to its elongated handle. It is usually quite practical and used in conjunction with the chainsaw to leave the plant well pruned.

Climbing equipment: These are very important, especially if you have to prune tall palm trees. Usually, you can do it in two ways. The first is with equipment that uses hoops to climb up the trunk to the palms. The alternative and easier way is with vehicles that have automatic lifts.

How to organize a palm tree pruning scheme correctly?

Sometimes it is necessary to have a work plan in order to prune certain types of palm trees. Although not all of them need to be pruned, there are some that are at a great height that are usually postponed because they require greater rigor. In these cases, the required safety equipment and qualified personnel must be brought in who can deal with any eventuality. This way you can ensure effective pruning that guarantees a good aesthetic appearance when finished.

It should also be noted that the bark of palm trees does not usually regenerate, so care must be taken. This type of work should be carried out by at least two people to ensure good service. In addition, on certain occasions, inspections of the plant will be necessary to look for possible pests or damage.

Why is palm tree pruning so important?

It is important to emphasize how important it is to keep palm trees well cared for and pruned. Although it is not a task that should be done all the time, it helps to keep pests under control and prevents diseases in the plant. In addition, in terms of aesthetics, it makes it more pleasing to the eye, since dry and fallen leaves are usually an unsightly factor.

As if that were not enough, this process also helps ensure that the plant is thoroughly examined for any fungus or damage to the bark. This will allow for an effective assessment to be made to keep the palm tree healthy and free of any problems.