pool maintenance mallorca

Owning a pool involves a great responsibility, this is basically because it must be maintained regularly to prevent water contamination. If you do not want your pool to turn green and neither you nor anyone you invite to swim in it, you should opt for a pool maintenance service. Below we will tell you the details.

Preparations for pool maintenance

Before starting pool maintenance work, it is essential to have certain tools and work on preparations to begin the work. This allows the cleaning and maintenance task to be carried out fully and the result is an impeccable pool with crystal-clear water. These are some of the initial steps that should be followed.

Checking pool equipment

To begin pool maintenance, the first thing to do is to check the condition of the equipment and implements that allow it to function properly. These include the water pump, filters and valves that keep it clean and in good condition.

Analysis of pH levels in water

In the same way, it is essential to analyze the pH level of the pool water, which should be between approximately 7.2 and 7.6. This can be done through a pH increaser or decreaser, which is an instrument that is specifically designed for this purpose.

Setting the water filter time

It is necessary to monitor the time that the pool water filter should operate. Generally, it can be set to operate every eight hours, this way the pool water stays filtered and clean for much longer. Of course, it all depends on the type of climate and the number of times the pool is used during the day.

How to perform maintenance on a swimming pool?

Once the pool is ready, it is necessary to perform deep maintenance from time to time. To do this, it is necessary to use certain types of products and techniques to keep the water clean and with the pH at adequate levels. These are some of the things that must be taken into account when performing pool maintenance.

Check the pH of the water

Once you start doing any pool maintenance, the first thing you should do is check the pH of the water. Many people don't pay attention to this, however, it is important to keep it at a maximum of 7.4 so that the water stays clear and clean.

Check disinfectant levels

To keep the pool water clean and crystal clear, not only the pH must be adjusted, but also the chemicals used. These are essential to disinfect the pool and keep it in optimal condition. Some of these, such as chlorine, bromine, salt and liquid oxygen, can be adjusted and dosed automatically in the main motor.

Clean the surface of the water well

Last but not least, it is important to keep the surface of the water clean. This is because dirt usually always falls into it, from leaves to insects or any type of organic material. It can be useful to use a pool cleaner specially made for this type of practice in an easy way.

What products are necessary to keep the pool clean?

There are several chemicals that are essential to keep any pool spotless. However, you need to consider which ones can be mixed and which ones cannot, as well as the optimal dosage. Here are some of the most important ones:

  • Chlorine: Chlorine is the most basic and essential product for keeping swimming pools disinfected, as its properties are designed for this. It is one of the cheapest and easiest options to apply, although the correct amount must be known so that it does not cause adverse reactions. Chlorine can be found in various forms, the first of which is liquid chlorine, which is the most commonly used to eliminate microorganisms in water.

Then there is slow chlorine, which comes in tablets and is poured into the water to disinfect it. Finally, there is mutilation chlorine, which also comes in tablets and is used to disinfect and maintain the pH of the water.

  • Bromine: It is a chemical compound that allows water to be treated and kept clean. It usually has disinfectant properties similar to chlorine. A great advantage of this is that it has a balanced pH for the water, so you don't have to worry about the amount. It helps to eliminate algae effectively and is perfect for any type of environment with hot water, such as hot tubs.
  • Calcium hypochlorite: A chlorinated compound that comes in granules and tablets, it is usually used for emergency disinfection. This is usually done when the water needs to be clean and disinfected in a short time, something that calcium hypochlorite is capable of achieving. It has up to 70% of active chlorine concentration, so it is equally effective for this task.

Anti-algae: It is a chemical product specially designed to control the build-up of algae. It can be used to prevent and to eradicate algae once they have formed in any area of the pool. It is necessary to use a quality anti-algae product to ensure the effective cleaning of any pool.

If you have a swimming pool at home or on a property, you should take into account the great importance of carrying out constant maintenance. Mainly because the water in these pools is usually quite susceptible to pH changes and can easily become contaminated. For this reason, it is important that you know all the chemical products that exist to treat it and keep it always clean. In this way, you will avoid the reproduction of microorganisms or algae that could endanger the health of the people who use it.